Voter Education, Protection and Empowerment (VEPE)
VEPE Vision
A democracy where all citizens can exercise their right to vote with no obstacles – physical, systemic, bureaucratic, or reluctance stemming from uncertainty or intimidation – and with ample information for understanding the choices on their ballots.
VEPE Mission
Foster a group of activists in Yolo County working together or independently in a mutually supportive way to identify and perform various actions to protect and secure citizens’ right to vote, especially in purple districts where each vote carries an outsized impact.
Current Projects
Blue Voter Guide Research
Blue Voter Guide fights voter fatigue! It helps voters make quick, informed, pro-democracy choices of candidates and propositions by showing what's on their ballot, with endorsements from trusted, forward-looking organizations. BVG makes it easy to build a guide, review it, and share it with friends and family.
The Blue Voter Guide needs research help.
Contact indivisibleyolo@gmail.com to sign up
Pro-grade Voter Protection Volunteers: A Counterbalance to Right-Wing Voter Suppression Efforts
Many varied projects for Democratic or progressive organizations.
Work done remotely for projects all over the country.
Excellent training provided.
Contact voters to “cure” ballots rejected due to mismatched signature.
Help organize and staff hotlines to provide voter assistance.
Recruit poll observers.
Contact “inactive” voters and help them update their registrations to become “active” voters ahead of election time.
Sign up by sending an email to indivisibleyolo@gmail.com
Make Every Vote Count!
October 20 through December 1, 2024
Ballot Chasing: Contact voters during early voting who haven’t yet turned in their ballots and remind them how and where to vote.
Ballot Curing: Contact voters whose ballots were rejected due to a signature mismatch and explain how they can fix it so their vote counts.
Sign up for our “Stand By” list by emailing indivisibleyolo@gmail.com.
You will be contacted if ballot chasing or ballot curing help is needed.
Check the calendar for team meetings or
for more information email: indivisibleyolo@gmail.com